COSO Releases Guidance on Sustainability Reporting: What You Need to Know

In recent years, the pressure for companies to be socially responsible has increased significantly. Many companies have responded by disclosing their sustainability efforts through sustainability reports. The trend has been positive, but it has also led to concerns about potential greenwashing. This is where COSO comes in. They have developed the concept of “Internal Control over Sustainability Reporting” (ICSR) to enhance sustainability reporting and ensure its reliability.

Who is COSO and Why Should we Care?

The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) is a joint committee of five professional organizations that provides thought leadership regarding enterprise risk management (ERM), internal control, and fraud deterrence. COSO has developed the most widely used internal control framework, the COSO Internal Control-Integrated Framework (ICIF), which has been recognized globally as the standard for internal control. Given this pedigree, it makes sense to look to COSO for guidance on sustainability reporting.

What is Internal Control Over Sustainability Reporting (ICSR)?

The concept of internal control over sustainability reporting (ICSR) is designed to enhance the reliability of sustainability reports. As companies strive to become more sustainable, it is important to ensure that the sustainability reports they produce are accurate and transparent. ICSR provides guidance on how principles from the 2013 version of the COSO ICIF apply to sustainable business activities and sustainable business information. This guidance helps companies to better manage the risks associated with sustainability reporting.

ICSR has four components that companies can use to achieve reliability in their sustainability reports. These components include control environment, risk assessment, control activities, and information and communication. These components help companies to identify and manage risks associated with their sustainability reporting processes. By implementing these components, companies can improve the credibility of their sustainability reports, leading to better stakeholder engagement, corporate reputation, and improved social performance.

The Benefits of ICSR

There are several benefits of implementing ICSR. For one thing, it helps companies to better align their sustainability strategies with their overall business strategies. This alignment can lead to better decision-making and more effective use of resources. Additionally, ICSR can help companies to build trust and credibility with stakeholders, which can lead to improved relationships and better business outcomes. Finally, ICSR can help companies to identify and manage the risks associated with sustainability reporting, which can mitigate potential reputation and financial risks.

How to Implement ICSR

To implement ICSR, companies should assess their current sustainability reporting processes and identify gaps and areas for improvement. They should also ensure that their board of directors and senior management are committed to sustainability reporting and are willing to invest the time and resources necessary to implement ICSR. Once this commitment has been secured, companies should develop and implement policies and procedures for sustainability reporting that are based on the COSO ICIF.

The pressure for companies to be socially responsible is not going away anytime soon. As a result, companies need to be proactive in managing the risks associated with sustainability reporting. That’s where COSO’s concept of internal control over sustainability reporting (ICSR) comes in. By implementing ICSR, companies can enhance the reliability of their sustainability reports, better align their sustainability strategies with their overall business strategies, build trust and credibility with stakeholders, and identify and manage the risks associated with sustainability reporting. Ultimately, ICSR is a worthwhile investment that can lead to better business outcomes in the long run.

Are you seeking to enhance your team’s ESG Reporting capabilities? Check out EmpoweredESG and speak to one of our solution experts today!

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