RAG Colors To be used by Professional Services and Product. Critical #db004c RGB: 219, 0, 76 CMYK: 0, 100, 65, 14 High #db9001 RGB: 219, 144, 1 CMYK: 0, 34, 100, 14 Medium #dbc312 RGB: 219, 195, 18 CMYK: 0, 11, 92, 14 Low #a4db32 RGB: 164, 219, 50 CMYK: 25, 0, 77, 14 Very Low #1edb39 RGB: 30, 219, 57 CMYK: 86, 0, 74, 14 Was this article helpful? 0 out of 0 found this helpful Doc navigation← Overview Pages Color Standards How can we help? Name Email Subject Message