Primary Color Palette

Our primary color palette is a varying array of purples and complementary colors designed to provide the most expressive color palette for our sales, marketing, and product needs.

Electric Violet


RGB: 126, 1, 244

CMYK: 48, 100, 0, 4



RGB: 27, 20, 55

CMYK: 51, 64, 0, 78

Purple Heart


RGB: 127, 50, 186

CMYK: 32, 73, 0, 27

Bright Turquoise


RGB: 37, 245, 216

CMYK: 85, 0, 12, 4

Key Lime Pie


RGB: 171, 186, 32

CMYK: 8, 0, 83, 27



RGB: 222, 111, 22

CMYK: 0, 50, 90, 13

Pantone Disclaimer

Pantone PMS matches have recently been removed from the Brand Standards Manual. If you need proper matching tones for single-color use on printed materials, please procure these through Marketing.

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