Mauve Hue Palette

In some cases, color swatches are permitted to create variations of our organizational colors. These hues can be used for a myriad of purposes, including gradients, buttons, printed elements for conferences, datasheets, releases, emails, and more. These are not standard colors and are not permitted to be used outside of the original purple hues and are not permitted to be used as brand colors for the purposes of our logo. NO variations of our logos or wordmarks are allowed.



RGB: 230, 196, 255

CMYK: 10, 23, 0, 0

French Lilac


RGB: 223, 167, 232

CMYK: 4, 28, 0, 9

Pink Lace


RGB: 255, 184, 238

CMYK: 0, 28, 7, 0

Biloba Flower


RGB: 187, 167, 232

CMYK: 19, 28, 0, 9



RGB: 186, 184, 255

CMYK: 27, 28, 0, 0

East Side


RGB: 184, 157, 204

CMYK: 10, 23, 0, 20

Pantone Disclaimer

Pantone PMS matches have recently been removed from the Brand Standards Manual. If you need proper matching tones for single-color use on printed materials, please procure these through Marketing.

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